Between 2011-12 and 2015-16, the BJP received more than 4 times as much from donors in Gujarat than the other five national parties put together. The BJP received Rs 80.45 crore in 2,186 donations above the Rs 20,000 threshold, while the Congress, the CPM, the CPI, the BSP and the NCP received a combined Rs 17.10 crore in donations from the state during the same period, according to a five-year report released Monday by Gujarat Election Watch and the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR).
Donations made to the BJP from Gujarat were higher than those it received from any other state, accounting for one-tenth of its nationwide total of Rs 801.675 crore. Out of the Rs 97.55 received by all parties from Gujarat, the BJP’s share was 82%, or 4.7 times the amount received by the other five national parties.
Of the rest, donations to the Congress account for a massive chunk — in relative terms — at Rs 14.09 crore (from 53 donations) out of Rs 17.10 crore. The CPM received Rs 3 crore and the CPI just under Rs 1 lakh, while the NCP and the BSP declared having received no donations over Rs 20,000 from Gujarat during that period.
Sector-wise, corporate/business houses donated the most, accounting for the NCP’s entire total, 96% (Rs 13.57crore) of the Congress’s total and nearly 89% (Rs 71.35 crore) of the BJP’s. No part of the CPI’s under Rs 1 lakh, on the other hand, came from corporates/business houses.
Among the five years for which donations were analysed, 2012-13 accounted for the highest donations — Rs 45.33 crore, or just below half the five-year, all-party total of Rs 97.55 crore.
“The source for the data used in the report are the Contribution Statements submitted by political parties to the Election Commission,” said Pankti Jog, state coordinator of Gujarat Election Watch. “While the EC had issued guidelines to the parties in order to promote transparency in their functioning and to aid the commission in conducting free and fair elections, the Congress submitting its details under protest displays a lack of enthusiasm from the party in promoting and practising transparency and accountability in its functioning,”
Of the donations received by the six parties, nearly a fifth — 19%, or Rs 18.66 crore, through 908 donations — are without PAN details. Among the six parties, the BJP and the Congress are the only two that have reported having received any donations above Rs 20,000 from Gujarat in cash.
A total Rs 5.64 crore of all donations from Gujarat have incomplete or undeclared details on mode of payment.