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The recently released report by the Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR) sheds light on the income patterns of major national political parties in India for the financial year 2022–23. Let’s explore the main discoveries outlined in the report.

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

  • The BJP emerges as the top earner among national parties, boasting an income of Rs.2360.84 crore.
  • Notably, the BJP’s income has seen a significant increase compared to the previous financial year.

Indian National Congress (INC)

  • The INC secures the second-highest income spot, declaring Rs.452.37 crore.
  • Despite being the runner-up, INC’s income forms a substantial portion of the total earnings of national parties.

Communist Party of India (Marxist)

  • Following closely behind, CPI(M) reports an income of Rs. 141.66 crore, securing a notable position in the income hierarchy.

Total Income and Expenditure

  • The ADR analysis reveals that the total income of six national parties, including BJP, INC, CPI(M), Aam Aadmi Party, Bahujan Samaj Party, and NPEP, amounts to Rs. 3,076.88 crore.
  • The BJP’s share in this total income stands at a significant 76.73%.

Expenditure Analysis

  • Despite its substantial income, the BJP’s expenditures account for only 57.68% of its total income, indicating prudent financial management.
  • In contrast, INC’s total spending exceeds its income by 3.26%, highlighting potential financial challenges.

Income Sources

  • Voluntary contributions play a pivotal role in BJP’s income, constituting close to 89.80% of its total earnings.
  • In the case of INC, grants, contributions, and donations contribute significantly to its income, representing about 59.38%.

Unique Income Streams

  • An intriguing aspect of INC’s income is the collection through coupons, amounting to Rs. 125.7676 crore. This unique income stream constitutes a significant portion of INC’s total earnings, reflecting diverse fundraising strategies.

The ADR report offers valuable insights into the financial dynamics of the major national political parties in India. While the BJP dominates in terms of income, INC and CPI (M) also hold significant positions in the income hierarchy. The report underscores the importance of financial transparency and prudent fiscal management in the political landscape.