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Any of the country’s government is meant to work for public welfare. They come in power with the promises made to the public. In the case of present Indian government too, PM Modi-led centre made promises such as giving every Indian Rs 15 lakh, corruption-free country and many others before 2014 Lok Sabha elections. But the centre totally failed to deliver promises and to cover its failure, it made disastrous policies including demonetisation and many others that led commoners to face multiple issues.

Well, this wasn’t enough for PM Modi-led government as it has stooped to the lowest. Notably, PM Modi led government has asked for ‘donation’ for the political party which it belongs to.

Recently, PM Modi asked people to donate Rs 1000 to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) through Narendra Modi app. He even donated Rs 1000 through the app. The prime minister in a tweet said that he urged everyone to spread the message of transparency in public life.

“You can contribute any amount from Rs. 5/- to Rs. 1000/- via the ‘Narendra Modi Mobile App.’ Your support and contribution will strengthen the resolve of our Karyakartas to serve the nation,” PM Modi tweeted.

And not only the prime minister, several BJP leaders including the party chief Amit Shah and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj also made donations towards the party fund using the app and urged for increasing transparency.

However, as soon as the news was spread on various social media platforms, commoners thought of the promise of Rs 15 lakh that PM Modi made during 2014 the Lok Sabha elections.

It is to be noted that like other promises, PM Modi did not fulfilled his promise of paying Rs 15 lakh to the countrymen. Rather fulfilling his promise, he is asking for ‘donation’.

Importantly, PM Modi’s fund collection idea for BJP comes a few days after the Aam Aadmi Party launched a campaign to gather funds by going door-to-door.

According to a report prepared by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) and National Election Watch (NEW), BJP received Rs 532.27 crore as donation during the financial year 2016-17, a 593 percent increase as compared to the Rs 76.85 crore it declared in the previous fiscal (2015-16).

The report further noted that the total donations received by national political parties between the financial year (FY) 2016-17 increased by Rs 487.36 cr — an increase of 478% from Rs 102.02 crore declared during the previous fiscal. As per the report, the total donations (above Rs 20,000) declared by the national parties was Rs 589.38 crore, from 2,123 donations. A total of Rs 532.27 crore was declared by BJP from 1,194 donations, while INC declared receiving Rs 41.90 cr from 599 donations.