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Times Of India

Citizen activists will have to play an important role in strengthening the local civic body elections and selecting the right leaders out of this democratic process. They should help sensitize voters about candidates and the importance of voting, because ultiately, an informed decision about voting is a must, said Jagdeep Chokkar, co-founder of the Association of Democratic Reforms.

He was speaking at a panel discussion organised to mark the eighth anniversary of ‘RTI Katta’, an initiative of city-based Right To Information activists.

Chokkar was speaking on “citizen activism and civic elections”, and said “constitutional awareness is a must for the public as the voters”. Activists should work as models for the other citizens, he said.

Mahesh Zagade, former principal secretary (GAD) of Maharashtra, said that asking questions about candidates and their parties is very necessary for the voters. Activists can ask questions on behalf of the people to the candidates. They must probe how elected members are going to work in making the civic administration and municipal facilities better. Corner meetings should be organised to interact and question the candidate, he added.

“The one ward system is more effective that the multi-ward system and should be promoted,” he said.

According to the activists, the initiative aims at creating awareness about RTI. It has been started to educate people about the power given to them under this act.