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It is matter of great satisfaction that the politics in India is fast changing towards better model than the decaying politics of the last seven decades. Various narratives and trends one can observe at national and states’ level in the emerging politics of rationalism that required others to follow.


Interestingly, the positive thinking is not confined to any one party. Bold and positive initiatives have been taken up by the leaders of different hues in their respective domains. What is notable is that all the initiatives were moving towards corruption eradication and better governance.

New thinking has been reflected in the actions at New Delhi by Modi and his few cabinet colleagues at the national political scene, Kejriwal, Nitish Kumar, Akhilesh Yadav etc  did take some positive and appreciative steps for the well being of the people especially women, youth and elders at their state levels.


From the new lot, UP Chief Minister, Aditya Yogi deserves all compliments for asking his ministers and bureaucrats to declare their assets. Such declaration should be made public so that members of public may be able to point out discrepancies, if any, in such declarations. Such declarations should be an annual feature, and should be monitored carefully to check sudden rise in wealth. It is noteworthy that income and assets of ruling politicians usually rise manifolds abnormally as per data released by Association for Democratic Reforms and Election Commission on study made on basis of affidavits filed by ministers while filing nominations for next elections.


Yogi Adityanath also abolished VVIP culture by ordering removal of red beacons from car-tops. But painting party-names and use of party-flags on private vehicles should also be strictly banned. Such unhealthy practice, very much prevalent especially in UP, creates fear amongst police-persons and other government-staff compelling them to act as per dictation of such ruling-party workers displaying party names and flags on their private vehicles.


Yogi Adityanath should follow Uttarakhand by snatching provision of post-retirement government-residences for former Chief Ministers and others. Several political rulers in the state got constructed palatial bungalows in their regimes at high public-cost as their post-retirement official residences. He should also follow Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amrinder Singh by abolishing practice of embossing names of VVIPs on inauguration and foundation plaques.


These important initiatives were long awaited in the country but these have more relevance in Jammu and Kashmir where the such positive steps take a backseat and everything moves around pure politics of disintegration and arm-twisting.