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In the 3rd phase of Bihar elections on October 28, in total 41 constituencies will go to polls.

According to the Association for Democratic Reform (ADR) and National Election Watch (NEW), of these 808 candidates, 215 have declared criminal cases against them.

Here are some of the interesting details about the 3rd phase of elections and candidates in the fray:-

Candidates with criminal cases: Out of all the 808 candidates, 215 (27%) candidates have declared criminal cases against themselves.

Candidates with serious criminal cases: 162 (20%) candidates have declared serious criminal cases including cases related to murder, attempt to murder, communal disharmony, kidnapping, crimes against women etc.

Candidates with cases related to murder: 31 candidates have declared cases related to murder (Indian Penal Code Section-302). Ajay Kumar, an Independent candidate from Kumhrarh constituency has declared 8 charges related to murder while Rajeev Ranjan Singh of the Samras Samaj Party from Digha constituency has declared 7 charges related to murder in their respective affidavits. Pradeep Kumar of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) from Dumraon constituency and Anant Kumar Singh, an Independent candidate from Mokama constituency, have each declared 5 charges related to murder against themselves. In total, 5 candidates of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 3 of Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation (CPI (ML)(L)), 2 candidates of Janata Dal (United) (JD(U)), 2 fielded by Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), 2 candidates of Communist Party of India (CPI), 1 candidate of Samajwadi Party (SP), 1 candidate of Garib Janata (Secular), 1 candidate fielded by Jan Adhikar Party(Loktantrik) (JAP(L)), 1 candidate of Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI(M)), 1 fielded by Shiv Sena (SHS), 1 candidate of Samras Samaj Party, 1 candidate of BSP, 1 candidate of Suheldev Bhartiya Samaj Party  and 9 Independent candidates have declared cases related to murder in their affidavits.

Candidates with cases related to attempt to murder: 57 candidates have declared cases of attempt to murder (IPC Section-307). Visheshwar Ojha of the BJP from Shahpur constituency has declared 10 charges related to attempt to murder. Anant Kumar Singh, an Independent candidate from Mokama constituency and Rajeev Ranjan Singh of the Samras Samaj Party from Digha constituency have each declared 6 charges related to attempt to murder in their respective affidavits. Pradeep Kumar, a candidate fielded by the BSP from Dumraon constituency, and Lalan Singh, JAP(L) candidate from Mokama constituency, have each declared 5 charges related to attempt to murder against themselves. In total, 4 candidates of BJP, 7 of CPI (ML)(L), 6 candidates of JD(U), 2 candidates fielded by RJD, 2 candiate of the Indian National Congress (INC), 1 candidates of CPI, 4 candidate of SP, 2 candidate of Lok Janshakti Party (LJP), 2 candidate fielded by JAP(L), 1 candidate of CPI(M), 1 fielded by Rashtriya Jankranti Party, 1 candidate of Samras Samaj Party, 2 candiate of BSP, 1 candidate of Suheldev Bhartiya Samaj Party, 1 of Bahujan Mukti Party  and 20 Independent candidates have declared cases related to murder in their affidavits.

Candidates with cases related to crimes against women: 12 candidates have declared cases related to crimes against women. 1 candidate fielded by BSP, 1 by JAP(L), 1 by Garib Janata Dal (Secular), 1 candiate of Lokpriya Samaj Party and 1 candidate of Bahujan Mukti Party have each declared offence related to assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty (IPC Section-354). 1 candiate of Aarakshan Virodhi party, 1 fielded by CPI, 1 candiate of Rashtriya Jankranti Party, 1 of SHS and 1 Independent candidate have each declared charge related to Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty (IPC Section-498A).

Candidates with cases related to causing communal disharmony: 4 candidates have declared cases relating to causing communal disharmony.  While Vinod Kumar, an Independent candidate from Mahua constituency, has declared 1 charge related to deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings or any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs (IPC Section-295A) and 1 offence related to promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc., and doing acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony (IPC Section-153A), all other candidates have declared 1 charge each related to promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc., and doing acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony (IPC Section-153A)

Candidates with cases related to robbery and dacoity: 13 candidates have declared cases related to robbery and dacoity. Anant Kumar Singh, an Independent candidate from Mokama constituency, Ajay Kumar, an Independent candidate from Kumhrarh constituency, Manoj Kumar of JD(U) from Barh constituency along with Anjani Kumar Sinha, an Independent candidate from Mokama constituency have each declared 2 charges related to making preparation to commit dacoity (IPC Section-399) and assembling for purpose of committing dacoity (IPC Section - 402).

Candidates with cases related to kidnapping: 13 candidates have declared cases related to Kidnapping. Anant Kumar Singh, an Independent candidate from Mokama constituency, has disclosed 2 charges relating to kidnapping or abducting in order to murder (IPC Section-364) against himself.

Party wise candidates with criminal cases: 21 (62%) out of 34 candidates from BJP, 7 (37%) out of 19 candidates from CPI, 9 (19%) out of 47 candidates from BSP, 10 (56%) out of 18 candidates fielded by JD(U), 12 (39%) out of 31 candidates from SP, 17 (68%) out of 25 candidates of RJD, 3 (43%) out of 7 candidates fielded by INC, 4 (40%) out of 10 candidates of LJP along with 13 (48%) out of 27 candidates of the CPI(ML) (L) and 62 (22%) out of 276 Independent candidates have declared criminal cases against themselves in their affidavits.

Party wise Candidates with serious criminal cases:  11 (32%) out of 34 candidates from BJP, 6 (32%) out of 19 candidates from CPI, 8 (17%) out of 47 candidates from BSP, 8 (44%) out of 18 candidates fielded by JD(U), 10 (32%) out of 31 candidates from SP, 16 (64%) out of 25 candidates of RJD, 2 (29%) out of 7 candidates fielded by INC, 3 (30%) out of 10 candidates of LJP along with 9 (33%) out of 27 candidates of the CPI(ML) (L) and 46 (17%) out of 276 Independent candidates have declared serious criminal cases against themselves in their affidavits.

Red Alert constituencies*: 41 constituencies in the third phase of Bihar assembly elections have 3 or more candidates with declared criminal cases. Mokama and Digha constituencies with 9 candidates have the highest number of candidates who have self-declared criminal cases against themselves.

*Red Alert Constituencies are those which have 3 or more candidates with criminal cases contesting elections.

Party wise crorepati candidates: 26 (76%) out of 34 fielded by BJP, 13 (28%) out of 47 candidates of BSP, 13 (72%) out of 18 candidates from JD(U), 5 (71%) out of 7 candidates from INC, 20 (80%) out of 25 candidates from RJD, 16 (52%) out of 31 candidates fielded by SP, 13 (54%) out of 24 candidates of JAP(L), 7 (70%) out of 10 candidates of LJP and 52 (19%) out of 276 Independent candidates have declared assets worth more than Rs. 1 crore.

Party wise crorepati candidates: 26 (76%) out of 34 fielded by BJP, 13 (28%) out of 47 candidates of BSP, 13 (72%) out of 18 candidates from JD(U), 5 (71%) out of 7 candidates from INC, 20 (80%) out of 25 candidates from RJD, 16 (52%) out of 31 candidates fielded by SP, 13 (54%) out of 24 candidates of JAP(L), 7 (70%) out of 10 candidates of LJP and 52 (19%) out of 276 Independent candidates have declared assets worth more than Rs. 1 crore.

Average assets: The average of assets per candidate contesting in the third phase of Bihar assembly elections is Rs 2.40 crores.

Party wise average assets: Among major parties, the average assets per candidate for 34 BJP candidates is Rs 2.06 crores, 47 BSP candidates have average assets of Rs 2.21 crores, 18 JD(U) candidates have average assets worth of Rs 2.43 crores, 7 INC candidates have average assets worth Rs 5.88 crores, 25 RJD candidates have average assets worth of Rs 4.66 crores, average assets of 31 SP candidates are Rs 1.59 crores, 24 JAP(L) candidates have average assets of Rs 2.13 crores, average assets of 10 LJP candidates are Rs 2.62 crores and 276 Independent candidates have average assets of Rs. 4.59 crores.

Undeclared PAN:  A total of 276 (34%) candidates have not declared their PAN details.

 Other Background Details

Education details of candidates: 361 (45%) candidates have declared their education qualification to be between 5th pass and 12th pass. while 384 (48%) candidates have declared having an educational qualification of graduate or above. 54 candidates have declared themselves to be simple literates.

Age details of candidates: 576 (72%) candidates have declared their age to be between 25 and 50 years while 226 (28%) candidates have declared their age to be between 51 and 80 years. While 2 candidates have not disclosed their age details, 1 candidate has declared to be above the age of 80 years.

Gender details of candidates: 71 (9%) female candidates are contesting in the third phase of Bihar assembly elections this year.