Subrat Kumar Das / Bhubaneswar: After few days the poll will start in odisha and we will vote our candidates for the development of state as well as our country. We are choosing candidates as a representative of ours, he must be well educated. But you will surprise to know that 32 out of 98 candidates, who are in the fight of upcoming election from Odisha are under graduate and 9 of them are under metric.
According to an analysis of the affidavits submitted by the candidates from Odisha Election Watch (OEW),which were released. It also mentioned that 19 candidates having criminal case and 13 out of them have declared serious criminal case like murder, attempt to murder, dacoity and criminal intimidation pending against them, this was informed by Ranjan Kumar Mohanty, state coordinator of Odisha Election Watch.
The data based on the self sworn affidavits of 98 candidates contesting the Lok Sabha polls submitted by the members of Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR) was analyzed by Odisha Election Watch.