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Punjab Newsline

LUDHIANA: Raman Kumar spokesperson of PPCC today said the observation by NGO Association for Democratic Reforms that Akali MP’s with average wealth of more than Rs.6 crores and the remark by Sanjay Kishan Kaul,the Hon'ble Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court that proliferation of liquor vend along highways have heavily outnumbered Verka milk vends appearing in two different dailies are pointer towards the system of exploitation of Punjabi’s that has been established by SAD-BJP regime. 

In a statement here Raman Kumar said that it was so ironical that while the state resources and assets are declining in sync with the general deprivation & dwindling incomes of people of Punjab , the elected Akali representatives without any entrepreneurial input are adding to their wealth at a compounded rate.

He said that these were ominous signs of governance where the focus is on creation of private wealth of elected representatives and abusive exploitation of governance to meet these ends. "It is imperative to seek investigation in growing wealth of elected Akali MP’s and expose if there are links of these MP’s with land , liquor and sand syndicates that are operating in the state", he stated.

The Congress spokesman said that in desperation to raise revenues the ethical, social and religious mooring of the state have been sold into the interest of official drug lobby. Liquor vend have proliferated into every nook and corner of state and more than 70 percent of youth is addicted to one or the other drug. Lives are being lost daily and families are being ruined to penury by the organised drug mafia.

He said Punjab Congress condemned the state of affair in the state and seeks public support of enlightened and young minds in awakening the public of the gloom Punjab.

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